Friday, December 11, 2009


This article states the obvious: a student graduating in 4 years is less expensive than a 5 year college education. They also mention 3 year programs. Really? I know of lots of students that would have loved to be done with college in 4 years, but due to requirements and class schedules, it couldn't happen. I doubt a 3 year program is feasible.


Anonymous Christy said...

I think it's a shared fault. There are so many college requirements and scheduling seems to be a nightmare it's a wonder anyone finished in 4 years (at least at big public universities) but I know a lot kids who enter college, take some classes don't know what they want to major in or change their minds and in order to get the necessary classes in, take longer. I also think there is a lot of delayed adolescence and frankly when the job market sucks, what's the hurry to graduate?

9:14 AM  

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