
I am having one of those days. It is cold and dreary outside, which makes it so much easier to feel kind of blah. After 5 days of not sleeping well, I finally was able to catch up on my sleep and slept for about 12 hours last night. I can't believe I turned into one of those old people that fall asleep while watching a TV show that was on from 8 - 9. (Yes. I fell asleep watching Lost. I am ashamed and I should be ridiculed!)
Another reason I am feeling kind of blah is that the job thing is getting kind of discouraging. It is easier to be upbeat about it when there are lots of job opportunities, which is unlike now. And I would think that having a wide area to look for a job (Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, Seattle and Denver) would be so much easier. WOW am I wrong. All I want is a job that is challenging, I get to work with nice people, I can learn a lot and I get paid enough that I can get a cup of Starbucks Coffee a week and not feel guilty. Is that too much to ask for?
A final p.s. Gripe~~~ Why can't librarians call themselves one thing. It would make it so much easier to search for jobs if I could type in librarian and have all the positions turn up verses things like information specialist/researcher (which is a librarian) not turn up!
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