Wednesday, January 09, 2008

meanest mom on planet, I think not.

There are a lot of bad parents out there. Parents that allow their kids to run around libraries shrieking. Parents that leave their kids to their own devices while they look at porn, I mean MySpace, all day long. These are parents that really do not care about the welfare of their children or the sanity of the the adults that around. But this particular parent is not a bad parent. She is fricking brilliant and should be applauded for her ingenuity. She sells her son's car because she found booze in it. Seriously. How awesomely creative is that? You know he is the type of kid that wasn't allowed to scream his head off as a child.


Blogger Kelly said...

I heard about that and agreed with the mom 100%. The woman's a genius.

6:33 PM  

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