Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Perfect Fall Day

I spent the day hiking and taking pictures at Govenor Dodge State Park in WI. The park was pretty empty, which was slightly terrifying considering if a crazed ax murder came after me, I wouldn't have anyone to help me. Or if a bear would attack. That probably would not have been a good thing. Good thing I never came across Yogi, Boo-Boo or Smokey. Animals I did see included geese, pheasant, turkey(I think), blue birds, and lots of squirels. Some of the trees had already started to change color. There were a lot of yellows and oranges seen throughout the park.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Writers Block

Ever think of something and then you realize you were wrong and that being wrong makes you feel really stupid? Well that happened to me today. Upon graduating from graduate school, I was under the assumption that I would never have to worry about writers block ever again because I won't have to write papers ever again. Who would have thunk it that a person can get writers block trying to write a short two paragraph cover letter for an employment opportunity? To me, writers block seems like a road construction with a detour. Now if only construction will end and traffic can move back on its normal path.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Sunny Days

It is a gorgeous sunny day out. It is the perfect day for a walk or a hike in the woods. I am almost back to feeling like myself. Being sick with a head cold has been awful these past couple of days. The worst is when my asthma would kick in during the middle of the night. I would wake up not being able to breath. You never realize how important it is to have a back up airway to breath until both are out of order.

I am posting this picture because I think it is a beautiful picture that represents one of the last nice days of September. Also. I just love the colors and how pretty all of the flowers are. I believe these were taken in my mom's garden.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Last day of Summer

I need to apologize that so far this blog has mostly been my posting of my favorite photos that I have taken. Words. Feelings. Expressing them, is something I am not good at. Why is that? One would think if I got to this age and being a girl, I would have the art of talking down. But I don't. Are there tricks out there? Exercises I can perform to work on opening up more? Until it happens, I will stick with photos.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Pumpkin Perfect

Fall is my favorite season. Since the leaves are not changing around Madison yet, I only have this picture of a pumpkin to remind me of fall. Actually, this is one of my favorite pictures. It was taken in August at a friend's house.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

This post is mostly me trying to figure out how to post pictures.

I love to take pictures. I like to take pictures almost more than I like to read. Walks, family vacations, dinner out are all more fun if pictures are taken. Digital cameras are wonderful objects.
I am just trying to see if this works. I don't have a whole lot to write about at the moment so please disregard the boringness of my first post.