Thursday, June 26, 2008

same song?

I am listening to Coldplay's newest album. I have had to look three times to make sure I didn't accidently set it on repeat because I swear, it is the same song on repeat.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

deaf or muzzle?

I have never ever wished I was deaf before. You know how people will ask, if you had to be blind or deaf which would you choose? And I usually went with blind because I don't know if I could give up music, the noise of the ocean and other such sounds.

However, I was willing to give all of those lovely noises (buh-bye to thunder, the rain, Radiohead and Moby) up if it meant I was deaf to the screechings of a young child. Every time they would open their little mouth, I would involuntarily shiver, tense up and want to tell off the said child and parent. Why do parents think it is ok to allow their children to scream at the top of their lungs? Do they become immune to the god awful noise? Is that what happens when you become a parent, you just zone out your kid? Since it is ok to muzzle dogs, why can't we muzzle kids?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

SLA 2008: Tuesday

I have been here a few days and get to go home tomorrow. Yipppee. I actually kind of sort of miss WI. I have two days worth of recaps to give, but because my day won't be done till 9:00 pm tonight, I will give my take on yesterday and today's sessions later this week.

On the weather front, today was the first overcast/rainy day since I got here. I knew the weather was too good to last for the entire trip.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

vint cerf

Vint Cerf is hilarious for a computer nerd. Oh and also brilliant. After listening to him, I appreciate and support Google even more. He is all about sharing information and keeping information open. Google seems to support this with Google docs and all the applications they offer. Oh and he was talking about intergalactic Internet. How awesome is that?

Oh and what is the deal with librarians feeling the need to knit during a keynote speaker? Granted she was near the back, but it still seems rude. I just don't get it. Can someone explain this to me?

Another day of Conference Goodness

Today's Click U class was titled "Training from the Trenches." The class discussed good and bad things to do/not do during training sessions. The biggest point was to end on time (or earlier.) How is it that many professors don't know this?

The coolest thing about this class, the presenters created a wiki with all the course content on it that can be accessed at a later date. The part that I wasn't to fond of, discussion of theory...enough theory please!

On my hunt to find Dr. Mcdreamy or at least get a cup of Starbucks.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Day one of the conference

My 8:00 am class was titled " How to Answer Any Question With an Effective Answer." The gist of it is, to be concise and answer the what, how, and why. If you do these three, then you will rule. Also, be weary of getting trapped into speculating on future events. Oh and transitions are your friend. Use them to get back on topic of promoting your message when someone is trying to throw you off balance.

This afternoon, I was on Bainbridge Island. It is a quaint little town with fun shops. It reminded me of Door County but way less touristy. Oh and the ferry ride there is way fun.

We had sun today. Yea!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Made It

I am in Seattle and am exhausted. The flights went off without a hitch. A national guardsman entertained me on the flight from La Crosse to MN. I slept for a little bit on the flight from MN to Seattle. Woke up just in time to see Mt. Ranier (way cool).

The cab ride was slightly terrifying. But we made it here alive. The cool thing about the cab, it was a Prius. I have never ridden in one before.

Oh and I have already seen Pikes Market with the flying fish and the original Starbucks. And I did a little bit of shopping. I heart Banana Republic.

I totally slacked and forgot to pack my camera/computer connector so all pictures will have to wait till I get home.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Flying Fish and Original Starbucks

Q: What do Starbucks, Space Needle, Underground (something), flying fish and Me have in common?
A: Will all be in Seattle tomorrow!