This is an Assistant Librarian?

No secret that I have not been having the best of luck job hunting. Most of the time, this leaves me feeling a little on depressed side. However, this made me laugh and made me realize how slim my chances are of ever finding library employment. A Washington law firm is looking for an ASSISTANT librarian, who is required to have a masters and 5 years of experience. Ummm what the hell are the regular librarian requirements? Shakes my head.
Random Thoughts/Comments
- Still cold out. We are currently experiencing a heatwave at positive 13 degrees.
- Bruschetta is pretty tasty.
- The Office is my new favorite show, surpassing Gilmore Girls and Grey's Anatomy.
- I am never going to find a job.
- Z spot coffee shop in Sheboygan have friendly servers.
- The newish M&M commercial has a song that appeared at the end of Empire Records, but of course it isn't on the soundtrack and my local library does not have copy of the cd it is on.
- I have no problem getting up at ten to six for breakfast when I can go back to sleep at 8:30 a.m.
I'm so sorry to read how down you are about your chances of finding a job. You will find one! Please believe that. :)
Also, you might want to enable word verification for people to comment on your blog. I see your first comment is a badly spelled piece of spam.
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