girl you know it's true
What does one listen to on their drive to an interview?
satelite (dave mathews band)
white my guitar gently weeps (beatles)
all I want is you (u2)
love shack (b52s)
Angels ( robbie williams)
33 (smashing pumpkins)
bell bottom blues (derek and the dominos)
here comes the sun (beatles)
girl you know its true (millie vanillie)
edge of the ocean (ivy)
trip on love (abra moore)
across the universe (beatles)
chocolate (snow patrol)
ring of fire (johnny cash)
somewhere a clock is ticking (snow patrol)
cd 2
rudie can't fail (the clash)
piece of my heart (janis joplin)
if it makes you happy (sheryl crow)
me and bobby mcgee (janis joplin)
soul meets body (death cab for cutie)
tiny dancer (elton john)
flagpole sitta (harvey danger)
such great heights (postal service)
i will follow you into darkness (death cab for cutie)
you could make a killing (amiee mann)
not an addict (k's choice)
look what you have done (jet)
someday (strokes)
where does the good go (tegan and sara)
my own worst enemy (lit)