Friday, February 16, 2007


Sheboygan is rarely in the news, unless it has something to do with a bratwurst eating contest held during Bratfest. However, the past two weeks, Sheboygan made Milwaukee news. The first was an instance when some dumb bitch left her 10 month old and 6 year old in the cold car while she went tanning for 20 minutes. Two girls named Brandi and Tequila discovered the kids and called the cops. Seriously, that was their names. I still haven't decided if they were trying to be funny or if their parents are a bunch of alcoholics.

The second instance is about a tween-age boy who keeps pranking 911. The cops are trying to track him down, but are having a hard time because he uses old cell phones. The news made it sound that they were going to arrest him and throw the book at him. Yes. It is wrong for him to do this, but he is a kid. Also, he hasn't been caught yet, which makes me think he is a tad smarter than the Sheboygan police.

That is one good thing about living in a smallerish town, instead of news stories about sex offenders breaking into schools, arson or murder, we get the dumbshits that have way too much time on their hands.


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