is an easy tool to learn and start incorporating at work. It will save an information professional so much time. I appreciate the fact that I can save a link while at home or at work because you never know when you will come across a website that is worth
The best part about it, is the ability to share links with people in your network. No more clogging up people's
inboxes with links to news articles, blog postings, or tutorials. It is also helpful to have attached tags, so when you are trying to answer a reference question, it is easier to know which websites to go to. I have saved many websites with medical images because these questions tend to come up again and again.
My only problem with using, as well as
flickr, is coming up with appropriate and consistent tags. Some tags, I use the plural and other times I don't. Sometimes I add the date and other times I don't. What are the important aspects of a site or a picture worth tagging?
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