I never feel so lost as I do when I do not have the Internet. Driving without directions, not that big of a deal (that is why we have maps). However, as soon as the Internet connection breaks, I tend to freak out. I go through withdrawal. Perhaps this is a sign that I am addicted to the Internet. Hello my name is Megan and I am addicted to the Internet. I guess there are worse things I could be addicted to.
Update on the latest happenings of the life that is mine:
- Saw Pan's Labyrinth today. Excellent movie. It is gruesome, sad, magical and enchanting.
- I am sick and tired of looking for jobs.
- I did not win the Powerball jackpot.
- I am moving back to Sheboygan on Sunday.
- So happy that the Office is on tonight.
- Went shoe shopping and couldn't find a pair of black size 10 shoes that had only a slight heal that were not $80.00.
i hate moving
I can't find my Empire Records or Disney's Robin Hood dvds. I have all of my other dvds still here, however those two have gone MIA. I hate moving!
Don't Insult the Ghetto
I was in Chicago this past Sunday. While there, I saw Wrigley Field and had my very first Irish coffee (oh so yummy!). Highlight of the day? Finding a store that sold different packages of cards, including Growing Pains, New Kids on the Block, A-Team, He-Mann, Pac Mann, and Garbage Pail Kids. Probably my favorite store ever! They had some fun T-shirts and purses too.
I decided (Kelly and I decided) that Wrigleyville will be the
perfect location to open up our bookstore that serves booze. The neighborhood has the right amount of normalcy with a touch of eccentricity. Plus, there were lots of people looking pretty hungover on a Sunday afternoon, which means the people of the neighborhood like to get their drink on.
Other stuff: - Dip-Shit drivers are on the road on Sundays.
- The word bastardly is not used often enough.

- Some stores are all colors of trash.
- The Bean and the Chicago Sign are so pretty at night.
- I LOVE the building that is in the shape of a diamond.
- Sleeping homeless people take up WAY too much space on crowded EL trains.
- The Waterfall image, which is thrown in randomly in the fountain of faces, is so NOT WORTH looking at close up. Probably the biggest disappointment of the day.
- I love the Mary Poppins window displays at Marshal Fields.
- Cusack has become an adjective.
bizzaro world
Things that have given me pause in recent days:
It is January 2, 2007 and it is 39 degrees out. Blue skies, brown grass and no snow. Where has Winter gone to?
Getting sick after Christmas, but not New Years Eve.
Chocolate cake from Red Lobster is too chocolatey.
Robin Hood is the best animated Disney movie.
I can't get a picture of me with my eyes open, unless a flash is NOT used or I am drunk.
Dark chocolate is my new favorite type of candy.
Chaos is not something I am looking for in a career.
$4.99 for Empire Records is the best movie deal I have ever gotten.
I hope 2007 brings better job prospects my way or it will be another looooooong year.